ATC代碼 (A02)
A+醫學百科 >> 藥品百科 >> 藥品的解剖學、治療學及化學分類系統(ATC代碼) >> ATC代碼 (A02) |
ATC代碼 |
A 消化系統和代謝系統 |
A01 口腔病藥物 (Stomatological preparations) |
A02 治療與胃酸分泌相關疾病的藥物 (Drugs for acid related disorders) |
A03 腸胃機能失調用藥 (Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders) |
A04 止吐藥及止噁心藥 (Antiemetics and antinauseants) |
A05 肝、膽疾病治療藥 (Bile and liver therapy) |
A06 輕瀉藥 (Laxatives) |
A07 止瀉藥、腸道消炎藥、腸道抗感染藥 (Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatory /anti-infective agents) |
A08 減肥製劑,不包含飲食製品 (Antiobesity preparations, excluding diet products) |
A09 消化藥,包括酶 (Digestives, including enzymes) |
A10 糖尿病用藥 (Drugs used in diabetes) |
A11 維生素 (Vitamins) |
A12 礦物補充劑 (Mineral supplements) |
A13 補藥 (Tonic) |
A14 同化作用藥 (Anabolic agents for systemic use) |
A15 食慾促進劑 (Appetite stimulants) |
A16 其它消化道及新陳代謝用藥 (Other alimentary tract and metabolism products) |
ATC代碼A02(治療與胃酸分泌相關疾病的藥物)是藥品的解剖學、治療學及化學分類系統的一個藥物分組,這是由世界衛生組織藥物統計方法整合中心(The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology)所制定的藥品及其它醫用產品的官方分類系統。分組A02是A消化系統和代謝系統的一部分。[1]
A02A 抗酸藥(Antacids)
A02AA 鎂化合物類(Magnesium compounds)
- A02AA01 碳酸鎂(Magnesium carbonate)
- A02AA02 氧化鎂(Magnesium oxide)
- A02AA03 過氧化鎂(Magnesium peroxide)
- A02AA04 氫氧化鎂(Magnesium hydroxide)
- A02AA05 矽酸鎂(Magnesium silicate)
- A02AA10 復方(Combinations)
A02AB 鋁化合物類(Aluminium compounds)
- A02AB01 氫氧化鋁(Aluminium hydroxide)
- A02AB02 水合氫氧化鋁(Algeldrate)
- A02AB03 磷酸鋁(Aluminium phosphate)
- A02AB04 碳酸二羥基鋁鈉(Dihydroxialumini sodium carbonate)
- A02AB05 乙醯乙酸鋁(Aluminium acetoacetate)
- A02AB06 谷氨醇鋁(Aloglutamol)
- A02AB07 甘氨酸鋁(Aluminium glycinate)
- A02AB10 復方(Combinations)
A02AC 鈣化合物類(Calcium compounds)
A02AD 鋁、鈣和鎂化合物類的複合物及復方(Combinations and complexes of aluminium, calcium and magnesium compounds)
- A02AD01 普鹽復方(Ordinary salt combinations)
- A02AD02 鎂加鋁(Magaldrate)
- A02AD03 鋁鎂加(Almagate)
- A02AD04 鋁碳酸鎂(Hydrotalcite)
- A02AD05 鋁矽酸鎂(Almasilate)
A02AF 配有排氣藥的抗酸藥(Antacids with antiflatulents)
- A02AF01 鎂加鋁和排氣藥(Magaldrate and antiflatulents)
- A02AF02 普鹽復方和排氣藥(Ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents)
A02AG 配有解痙藥的抗酸藥(Antacids with antispasmodics)
A02AH 配有碳酸氫鈉的抗酸藥(Antacids with sodium bicarbonate)
A02AX 抗酸藥,其它復方(Antacids, other combinations)
A02B 消化道潰瘍和胃食管反流病治療藥物(Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease(GORD))
A02BA H2-受體拮抗藥類(H2-receptor antagonists)
- A02BA01 西咪替丁(Cimetidine)
- A02BA02 雷尼替丁(Ranitidine)
- A02BA03 法莫替丁(Famotidine)
- A02BA04 尼扎替丁(Nizatidine)
- A02BA05 尼培替丁(Niperotidine)
- A02BA06 羅沙替丁(Roxatidine)
- A02BA07 枸櫞酸鉍雷尼替丁(Ranitidine bismuth citrate)
- A02BA08 拉呋替丁(Lafutidine)
- A02BA51 復方西咪替丁,(Cimetidine, combinations)
- A02BA53 復方法莫替丁,(Famotidine, combinations)
A02BB 前列腺素類(Prostaglandins)
A02BC 質子泵抑製藥(Proton pump inhibitors)
- A02BC01 奧美拉唑(Omeprazole)
- A02BC02 泮托拉唑(Pantoprazole)
- A02BC03 蘭索拉唑(Lansoprazole)
- A02BC04 雷貝拉唑(Rabeprazole)
- A02BC05 埃索美拉唑鎂(Esomeprazole)
- A02BC06 埃索美拉唑鎂(Dexlansoprazole)
A02BD 根除幽門螺旋桿菌的復方(Combinations for eradication of Helicobacter pylori)
- A02BD01 奧美拉唑,阿莫西林和甲硝唑(Omeprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole)
- A02BD02 蘭索拉唑,四環素和甲硝唑(Lansoprazole, tetracycline and metronidazole)
- A02BD03 蘭索拉唑,阿莫西林和甲硝唑(Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole)
- A02BD04 泮托拉唑,阿莫西林和克拉黴素(Pantoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
- A02BD05 奧美拉唑,阿莫西林和克拉黴素(Omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
- A02BD06 埃索美拉唑,阿莫西林和克拉黴素(Esomeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
- A02BD07 蘭索拉唑,阿莫西林和克拉黴素(Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
- A02BD08 次枸櫞酸鉍,四環素和甲硝唑(Bismuth subcitrate, tetracycline and metronidazole)
A02BX 消化道潰瘍和胃食管反流病治療用其它藥物(Other drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD))
- A02BX01 甘珀酸(Carbenoxolone)
- A02BX02 硫糖鋁(Sucralfate)
- A02BX03 哌侖西平(Pirenzepine)
- A02BX04 氯化甲基蛋氨酸鋶鹽(Methiosulfonium chloride)
- A02BX05 次枸櫞酸鉍(Bismuth subcitrate)
- A02BX06 丙谷醯胺(Proglumide)
- A02BX07 吉法酯(Gefarnate)
- A02BX08 硫糖肽(Sulglicotide)
- A02BX09 乙醯甘草亭酸鋁(Acetoxolone)
- A02BX10 佐利米定(Zolimidine)
- A02BX11 曲昔派特(Troxipide)
- A02BX12 次硝酸鉍(Bismuth subnitrate)
- A02BX13 海藻酸(Alginic acid)
- A02BX51 甘珀酸,與非安定藥的復方(Carbenoxolone, combinations excluding psycholeptics)
- A02BX71 甘珀酸,與安定藥的復方(Carbenoxolone, combinations with psycholeptics)
- A02BX77 吉法酯,與安定藥的復方(Gefarnate, combinations with psycholeptics)
- 空
- ↑ ATC Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.
- ↑ ATCvet Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.
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