ATC代碼 (A03)
A+醫學百科 >> 藥品百科 >> 藥品的解剖學、治療學及化學分類系統(ATC代碼) >> ATC代碼 (A03) |
ATC代碼 |
A 消化系統和代謝系統 |
A01 口腔病藥物 (Stomatological preparations) |
A02 治療與胃酸分泌相關疾病的藥物 (Drugs for acid related disorders) |
A03 腸胃機能失調用藥 (Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders) |
A04 止吐藥及止噁心藥 (Antiemetics and antinauseants) |
A05 肝、膽疾病治療藥 (Bile and liver therapy) |
A06 輕瀉藥 (Laxatives) |
A07 止瀉藥、腸道消炎藥、腸道抗感染藥 (Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatory /anti-infective agents) |
A08 減肥製劑,不包含飲食製品 (Antiobesity preparations, excluding diet products) |
A09 消化藥,包括酶 (Digestives, including enzymes) |
A10 糖尿病用藥 (Drugs used in diabetes) |
A11 維生素 (Vitamins) |
A12 礦物補充劑 (Mineral supplements) |
A13 補藥 (Tonic) |
A14 同化作用藥 (Anabolic agents for systemic use) |
A15 食慾促進劑 (Appetite stimulants) |
A16 其它消化道及新陳代謝用藥 (Other alimentary tract and metabolism products) |
ATC代碼A03(治療功能性胃腸疾病的藥物)是藥品的解剖學、治療學及化學分類系統的一個藥物分組,這是由世界衛生組織藥物統計方法整合中心(The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology)所制定的藥品及其它醫用產品的官方分類系統。分組A03是A消化系統和代謝系統的一部分。[1]
A03A 治療功能性腸道疾病的藥物(Drugs for functional bowel disorders)
A03AA 合成的抗膽鹼能藥物,帶叔胺基團的酯類(Synthetic anticholinergics, esters with tertiary amino group)
- A03AA01 羥苄利明(Oxyphencyclimine)
- A03AA03 卡米羅芬(Camylofin)
- A03AA04 美貝維林(Mebeverine)
- A03AA05 曲美布汀(Trimebutine)
- A03AA06 羅西維林(Rociverine)
- A03AA07 雙環維林(Dicycloverine)
- A03AA08 雙己維林(Dihexyverine)
- A03AA09 雙苯美林(Difemerine)
- A03AA30 哌立度酯(Piperidolate)
A03AB 合成的抗膽鹼能藥物,季銨鹽化合物類(Synthetic anticholinergics, quaternary ammonium compounds)
- A03AB01 苯咯銨(Benzilone)
- A03AB02 格隆銨(Glycopyrronium)
- A03AB03 奧芬銨(Oxyphenonium)
- A03AB04 噴噻銨(Penthienate)
- A03AB05 丙胺太林(Propantheline)
- A03AB06 奧替溴銨(Otilonium bromide)
- A03AB07 甲胺太林(Methantheline)
- A03AB08 曲地銨(Tridihexethyl)
- A03AB09 異丙銨(Isopropamide)
- A03AB10 己環銨(Hexocyclium)
- A03AB11 泊爾定(Poldine)
- A03AB12 美噴酯(Mepenzolate)
- A03AB13 貝弗寧(Bevonium)
- A03AB14 哌噴酯(Pipenzolate)
- A03AB15 二苯馬尼(Diphemanil)
- A03AB16 (2-二苯甲氧乙基)二乙基甲基碘銨((2-benzhydryloxyethyl)diethyl-methylammonium iodide)
- A03AB17 替莫碘胺(Tiemonium iodide)
- A03AB18 吡芬溴銨(Prifinium bromide)
- A03AB19 噻哌溴銨(Timepidium bromide)
- A03AB21 苯維銨(Fenpiverinium)
- A03AB53 奧芬溴銨,復方(Oxyphenonium, combinations)
- QA03AB90 苄替米特(Benzetimide)
- QA03AB92 碳醯膽鹼(Carbachol)
- QA03AB93 新斯的明(Neostigmin)
A03AC 合成的解痙藥,帶叔胺的醯胺類(Synthetic antispasmodics, amides with tertiary amines)
- A03AC02 二甲氨基丙基吩噻嗪(Dimethylaminopropionylphenothiazine)
- A03AC04 尼非他胺(Nicofetamide)
- A03AC05 苯醯胺桂胺(Tiropramide)
A03AD 罌粟鹼及其衍生物(Papaverine and derivatives)
A03AE 作用於5-羥色胺受體的藥物(Drugs acting on serotonin receptors)
- A03AE01 阿洛司瓊(Alosetron)
- A03AE02 替加色羅(Tegaserod)
- A03AE03 西蘭司瓊(Cilansetron)
- A03AE04 普卡必利(Prucalopride)
A03AX 治療功能性腸道疾病的其它藥物(Other drugs for functional bowel disorders)
- A03AX01 芬哌丙烷(Fenpiprane)
- A03AX02 地索普明(Diisopromine)
- A03AX03 氯苄沙明(Chlorbenzoxamine)
- A03AX04 匹維銨(Pinaverium)
- A03AX05 非諾維林(Fenoverine)
- A03AX06 依丹帕明(Idanpramine)
- A03AX07 普羅沙唑(Proxazole)
- A03AX08 阿爾維林(Alverine)
- A03AX09 曲匹布通(Trepibutone)
- A03AX10 異美汀(Isometheptene)
- A03AX11 卡羅維林(Caroverine)
- A03AX12 間苯三酚(Phloroglucinol)
- A03AX13 矽氧烷(Silicones)
- A03AX30 三甲基二苯丙胺(Trimethyldiphenylpropylamine)
- A03AX58 阿爾維林復方(Alverine, combinations)
- QA03AX63 聚矽酮,復方Silicones, combinations
- QA03AX90 Physiostigmin
- QA03AX91 Macrogol ricinoleat (NFN)
A03B 顛茄及其衍生物(Belladonna and derivatives, plain)
A03BA 顛茄生物鹼,叔胺類(Belladonna alkaloids, tertiary amines)
A03BB 半合成的顛茄生物鹼,季銨鹽類化合物(Belladonna alkaloids, semisynthetic, quaternary ammonium compounds)
- A03BB01 丁基莨菪胺(Butylscopolamine)
- A03BB02 甲基阿托品(Methylatropine)
- A03BB03 甲基莨菪胺(Methylscopolamine)
- A03BB04 芬托銨(Fentonium)
- A03BB05 西托溴銨(Cimetropium bromide)
A03C 復方中有安定藥的解痙藥(Antispasmodics in combination with psycholeptics)
A03CA 復方中有安定藥的合成抗膽鹼能藥(Synthetic anticholinergic agents in combination with psycholeptics)
- A03CA01 異丙銨和安定藥(Isopropamide and psycholeptics)
- A03CA02 克利銨和安定藥(Clidinium and psycholeptics)
- A03CA03 羥苄利明和安定藥(Oxyphencyclimine and psycholeptics)
- A03CA04 奧替溴銨和安定藥(Otilonium bromide and psycholeptics)
- A03CA05 格隆銨和安定藥(Glycopyrronium and psycholeptics)
- A03CA06 貝弗寧和安定藥(Bevonium and psycholeptics)
- A03CA07 安布溴銨和安定藥(Ambutonium and psycholeptics)
- A03CA08 二苯馬尼和安定藥(Diphemanil and psycholeptics)
- A03CA30 依美銨和安定藥(Emepronium and psycholeptics)
- A03CA34 丙胺太林和安定藥(Propantheline and psycholeptics)
A03CB 復方中有安定藥的顛茄及其衍生物(Belladonna and derivatives in combination with psycholeptics)
- A03CB01 甲基莨菪胺和安定藥(Methylscopolamine and psycholeptics)
- A03CB02 顛茄總生物鹼和安定藥(Belladonna total alkaloids and psycholeptics)
- A03CB03 阿托品和安定藥(Atropine and psycholeptics)
- A03CB04 甲基後阿托品和安定藥(Methylhomatropine and psycholeptics)
- A03CB31 莨菪鹼和安定藥(Hyoscyamine and psycholeptics)
A03CC 復方中有安定藥的其它解痙藥(Other antispasmodics in combination with psycholeptics)
A03D 復方中有鎮痛藥的其它解痙藥(Antispasmodics in combination with analgesics)
A03DA 復方中有鎮痛藥的合成抗膽鹼能藥(Synthetic anticholinergic agents in combination with analgesics)
- A03DA01 托齊林和鎮痛藥(Tropenzilone and analgesics)
- A03DA02 吡托非農和鎮痛藥(Pitofenone and analgesics)
- A03DA03 貝弗寧和鎮痛藥(Bevonium and analgesics)
- A03DA04 環隆銨和鎮痛藥(Ciclonium and analgesics)
- A03DA05 卡米羅芬和鎮痛藥(Camylofin and analgesics)
- A03DA06 曲司銨和鎮痛藥(Trospium and analgesics)
- A03DA07 替莫碘胺和鎮痛藥(Tiemonium iodide and analgesics)
A03DB 復方中有鎮痛藥的顛茄及其衍生物(Belladonna and derivatives in combination with analgesics)
- A03DB04 丁基莨菪胺和鎮痛藥(Butylscopolamine and analgesics)
A03DC 復方中有鎮痛藥的其它解痙藥(Other antispasmodics in combination with analgesics)
A03E 復方中有其它藥物的解痙藥和抗膽鹼能藥(Antispasmodics and anticholinergics in combination with other drugs)
A03EA 解痙藥、安定藥和鎮痛藥的復方(Antispasmodics, psycholeptics and analgesics in combination)
A03ED 復方中有其它藥物的解痙藥(Antispasmodics in combination with other drugs)
A03F 胃腸動力藥(Propulsives)
A03FA 胃腸動力藥(Propulsives)
- A03FA01 甲氧氯普胺(Metoclopramide)
- A03FA02 西沙必利(Cisapride)
- A03FA03 多潘立酮(嗎叮啉)(Domperidone)
- A03FA04 溴必利(Bromopride)
- A03FA05 阿立必利(Alizapride)
- A03FA06 氯波必利(Clebopride)
- QA03FA90 毒扁豆鹼(Physiostigmine)
- ↑ ATC Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.
- ↑ ATCvet Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.
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