A+醫學百科 >> 神經科學 |

目錄 |
- 情感神經科學
- 行為神經科學
- 臨床神經科學- 包括神經學、神經外科、精神醫學及神經放射醫學等
- 認知神經科學
- 計算神經科學
- 神經系統的發育
- 演化神經科學
- 基因影像學
- 分子神經科學
- 神經工程學
- 神經解剖學
- 疾病的神經生物學(Neurobiology of disease)
- 神經化學
- 神經經濟學
- 神經胚胎學
- 神經內分泌學
- 神經流行病學
- 神經工效學
- 神經行為學
- 神經遺傳學
- 神經免疫學
- 神經病理學
- 神經藥理學
- 神經物理學
- 神經生理學
- 神經毒理學
- 感官神經科學
- 系統神經科學
- Bear, M. F. et. al. Eds. (1995). Neuroscience: Exploring The Brain. Baltimore, Maryland, Williams and Wilkins. ISBN 0781739446
- Kandel, Eric, James Schwartz, and Thomas Jessel. 2000. Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York ISBN 0838577016
- Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descarte's Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York, Avon Books. ISBN 0399138943 (Hardcover) ISBN 0380726475 (Paperback)
- Andreason, N. C. (2001). Brave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Age of the Genome. Oxford, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195145097 (Hardcover) ISBN 0195167287 (Paperback)
- Gardner, H. (1976). The Shattered Mind: The Person After Brain Damage. New York, Vintage Books, 1976 ISBN 0394719468
- Goldstein, K. (2000). The Organism. New York, Zone Books. ISBN 0942299965 (Hardcover) ISBN 0942299973 (Paperback)
- Luria, A. R. (1997). The Man with a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press. ISBN 0224007920 (Hardcover) ISBN 0674546253 (Paperback)
- Luria, A. R. (1998). The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book About A Vast Memory. New York, Basic Books, Inc. ISBN 0674576225
- Sacks, O. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Summit Books ISBN 0671554719 (Hardcover) ISBN 0060970790 (Paperback)
- Sacks, O. (1990). Awakenings. New York, Vintage Books. (See also Oliver Sacks) ISBN 0671648349 (Hardcover) ISBN 0060973684 (Paperback)
- High-Resolution Cytoarchitectural Primate Brain Atlases
- Society for Neuroscience
- American Society for Neurochemistry
- Neurotransmitter.netNeuroscience resources and news
- BrainMetaA community site
- Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology on the InternetHigh quality links
- Neuroscience. 2nd ed. by Purves et al (online textbook)
- Neuroscience for Kids
- NeuroWiki, a wiki website for Neuroscience related topics. All content (unless explicitly proclaimed otherwise) is published to the public domain thus can be relocated to the Wikipedia.
- Dana.org for information about brain research, immunology and arts education
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